const xmlns = '';
const defaultOptions = {
containerId: 'loader-container',
svgId: 'loader',
fill: '#000000',
size: 15,
radius: 2,
duration: 1000,
maxOpacity: 0.75,
minOpacity: 0.25,
margin: 2,
nbRects: 3
const svgEl = Symbol( 'svgEl' );
const settings = Symbol( 'settings' );
const createSVG = Symbol( 'createSVG' );
const createRectangles = Symbol( 'createRectangles' );
const createAnimateElement = Symbol( 'createAnimateElement' );
* SVGLoader class
* @example
* let myLoader = new SVGLoader( {
* containerId: 'my-container-id'
* } );
export class SVGLoader {
* SVGLoader constructor
* @param {Object} [options] - the settings given to the instance
* @param {string} [options.containerId='loader-container'] The id of the element that will contain the SVG element
* @param {string} [options.svgId='loader'] The id given to the created SVG element
* @param {int} [options.nbRects=3] Number of rectangle shapes in the SVG
* @param {int} [options.margin=2] Margin between the shapes (in px)
* @param {string} [options.fill='#000000'] Color of the shapes in the SVG
* @param {int} [options.size=15] Height and width of each shape (rectangle) of the SVG (in px)
* @param {int} [options.radius=2] Value of the border radius of each rectangle shape of the SVG (in px)
* @param {Number} [options.minOpacity=0.25] Opacity to give to each shapes at the begin of the animation
* @param {Number} [options.maxOpacity=0.75] Opacity to give to each shapes at the end of the animation
* @param {int} [options.duration=1000] Duration of the animation of each shape from minOpacity to maxOpacity (in ms)
constructor ( options = defaultOptions ) {
* Merge settings
* @ignore
this[settings] = Object.assign( {}, defaultOptions, options );
this[settings].width = ( this[settings].size * this[settings].nbRects ) + ( ( this[settings].nbRects - 1 ) * this[settings].margin );
// Container for the svg depending on given id
const svgContainer = document.getElementById( this[settings].containerId );
if ( !svgContainer ) {
console.warn( `Oops, there's no dom element with "${ this[settings].containerId }" id` );
* Create the svg and append it to the container
* @ignore
this[svgEl] = this[createSVG]();
svgContainer.appendChild( this[svgEl] );
// Create all shapes in a group appended in the svg
const group = this[createRectangles]();
this[svgEl].appendChild( group );
* Create SVG Element with size properties from settings
* @access private
* @returns {SVGElement} the svg element created
[createSVG] () {
const el = document.createElementNS( xmlns, 'svg' );
el.setAttributeNS( null, 'id', this[settings].svgId );
el.setAttributeNS( null, 'viewBox', `0 0 ${ this[settings].width } ${ this[settings].size }` );
el.setAttributeNS( null, 'width', this[settings].width );
el.setAttributeNS( null, 'height', this[settings].size );
return el;
* Create rectangle shapes depending on settings
* @access private
* @returns {SVGGElement} the group element containing all rectangles (SVGRectElement)
[createRectangles] () {
const group = document.createElementNS( xmlns, 'g' );
for ( let i = 0; i < this[settings].nbRects; i++ ) {
const rect = document.createElementNS( xmlns, 'rect' );
rect.setAttributeNS( null, 'id', `rect-${ i }` );
rect.setAttributeNS( null, 'width', this[settings].size );
rect.setAttributeNS( null, 'height', this[settings].size );
rect.setAttributeNS( null, 'x', ( this[settings].size * i ) + ( i * this[settings].margin ) );
rect.setAttributeNS( null, 'y', 0 );
rect.setAttributeNS( null, 'rx', this[settings].radius );
rect.setAttributeNS( null, 'ry', this[settings].radius );
rect.setAttributeNS( null, 'fill', this[settings].fill );
rect.setAttributeNS( null, 'fill-opacity', this[settings].maxOpacity );
const animate = this[createAnimateElement]( i );
rect.appendChild( animate );
group.appendChild( rect );
return group;
* Create Animate element for a rectangle shape of the svg
* @access private
* @param {int} index
* @returns {SVGAnimateElement} the animate element of a rectangle
[createAnimateElement] ( index ) {
const animate = document.createElementNS( xmlns, 'animate' );
animate.setAttribute( 'attributeName', 'opacity' );
animate.setAttribute( 'values', `${ this[settings].maxOpacity };${ this[settings].minOpacity };${ this[settings].maxOpacity }` );
if ( index === 0 ) {
animate.setAttribute( 'begin', `${ 0 }ms` );
else {
animate.setAttribute( 'begin', `${ this[settings].duration / ( ( this[settings].nbRects + 1 ) - index ) }ms` );
animate.setAttribute( 'dur', `${ this[settings].duration }ms` );
animate.setAttribute( 'repeatCount', 'indefinite' );
return animate;
* Hide or show the SVG Element
* @access public
* @returns {SVGLoader} the current instance
toggle () {
window.getComputedStyle( this[svgEl] ).display === 'none' ? : this.hide();
return this;
* Show the SVG Element
* @access public
* @returns {SVGLoader} the current instance
show () {
this[svgEl].style.display = 'block';
return this;
* Hide the SVG Element
* @access public
* @returns {SVGLoader} the current instance
hide () {
this[svgEl].style.display = 'none';
return this;
* @access public
* Remove the SVG element from DOM and delete all properties or listeners
destroy () {
const svgContainer = document.getElementById( this[settings].containerId );
svgContainer.querySelector( 'svg' ).remove();
delete this[settings];
delete this[svgEl];
* The current settings of the instance
* @type {Object}
* @property {string} containerId The id of the element that will contain the SVG element
* @property {string} svgId The id given to the created SVG element
* @property {int} nbRects Number of rectangle shapes in the SVG
* @property {int} margin Margin between the shapes (in px)
* @property {string} fill Color of the shapes in the SVG
* @property {int} size Height and width of each shape (rectangle) of the SVG (in px)
* @property {int} radius Value of the border radius of each rectangle shape of the SVG (in px)
* @property {Number} minOpacity Opacity to give to each shapes at the begin of the animation
* @property {Number} maxOpacity Opacity to give to each shapes at the end of the animation
* @property {int} duration Duration of the animation of each shape from minOpacity to maxOpacity (in ms)
get settings () {
return this[settings];
* The default options for settings if there's no settings given to the constructor
* @type {Object}
* @property {string} containerId The id of the element that will contain the SVG element
* @property {string} svgId The id given to the created SVG element
* @property {int} nbRects Number of rectangle shapes in the SVG
* @property {int} margin Margin between the shapes (in px)
* @property {string} fill Color of the shapes in the SVG
* @property {int} size Height and width of each shape (rectangle) of the SVG (in px)
* @property {int} radius Value of the border radius of each rectangle shape of the SVG (in px)
* @property {Number} minOpacity Opacity to give to each shapes at the begin of the animation
* @property {Number} maxOpacity Opacity to give to each shapes at the end of the animation
* @property {int} duration Duration of the animation of each shape from minOpacity to maxOpacity (in ms)
static get defaultOptions () {
return defaultOptions;